Friday 25 September 2015

NDM Story 4: How young viewers are abandoning television

Watching three hours of more television each day may double the risk of early death

There is an apparent decrease in the number of younger viewers watching TV. As the younger generation have grown up with a variety of technology as opposed to the older generation, they have more access and knowledge to other forms of entertainment due to smartphones and tablets. 

All traditional media companies are affected by technological changes, so in this country whether it is newspapers or magazines or television, the increase in penetration of tablets and smartphones has had a substantial effect on consumption, particularly in younger demographics.

The main causes for the decline in TV viewers are, social media, You Tube and online gaming. BBC is an example of how new technology is affecting its viewers in particular their younger viewers as they plan to scrap BBC 3 a channel that is primarily aimed at younger viewers.

  • across all age groups Britons watched an average of 11 minutes less television in 2013 than the previous year
  •  On average they watched 148 minutes per day last year, compared with 169 minutes in 2010.
  • Channel 4, which has a public service remit to reach young audiences but now attracts viewers with a median age of around 46 to its main channel.
  • Some 56pc of Britons have watched TV on a tablet, laptop or smartphone in the living room, 46pc in the bedroom and 19pc in the kitchen.

In my opinion I believe that young viewers are more engrossed in how convenient it is to access almost anything from the comfort of one device, smart phones, causing them to lose interest in TV. Also shows on TV have specific timings where the viewers have to stick to for particular shows however, viewers can watch whatever they please, whenever they want from their smart phones. 

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